Log Blog

Log Blog

Timber harvesting is a forest management practice that involves the careful planning and execution of logging operations to ensure the sustainable use of forest resources. It focuses on various goals, including maintaining forest health, creating habitats, generating income, and providing recreational opportunities.

Black Walnut Timber Harvesting

What is timber harvesting?

Timber harvesting is a more “modern” term for “logging”. Sure, both logging and timber harvesting involve cutting trees, but West Logging timber harvesters are held to a higher standard of ethics both from a business and an ecological standpoint.

Our crew is conscientious of water quality, drainage, crops and other environmental impacts of their work. 

West Logging operates under established timber harvesting guidelines and a higher standard of professionalism. We take precautions to protect water and soil on work sites. We use portable bridges to span streams and brooks to keep the water clear of equipment and debris. 

Danny and his team are transparent in our business dealings and estimation of standing timber value. Revenue for a timber sale is estimated at the beginning of the sale, and discussed again at or near the completion of the harvest  whether it’s right on target, or a little above or below the initial estimate. 

Harvesting can be profitable.
Call us before selling your Walnut or Oak timber